Is Cheating Worse Online? with Kelvin Thompson, Ed.D.


February 7, 2022


In a continuing discussion about academic integrity and what it means for a Lasallian institution to approach cheating and plagiarism online, Dale Hale and the team at the CBU Center for Digital Instruction explore whether cheating is worse online as compared to in-person. Their guest for the discussion is Kelvin Thompson, Ed.D., the Executive Director of the Center for Distributed Learning at the University of Central Florida. As a world-recognized expert on blended learning, Kelvin is a popular speaker and facilitator, and he is the co-host of “TOPcast: The Teaching Online Podcast.” We are thrilled to have Kelvin join us for this episode!

Listen to our previous episode on academic integrity with Dr. Paul Haught, Vice President of Academics at Christian Brothers University.

Christian Brothers University
Christian Brothers University
Is Cheating Worse Online? with Kelvin Thompson, Ed.D.