Mass & Celebration of the Eucharist
As part of the Diocesan Year of the National Eucharistic Revival, all are invited to Christian Brothers University to celebrate a Holy Mass. After Mass, Fr. Bruce will speak about the Eucharist. Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Mass | 7:00 pm • Stritch Chapel
Talk on the Eucharist | 7:45 pm • Stritch Dining Hall
Additional Details
In his discussion, Fr. Bruce will explore how the celebration of the Eucharist — the Mass — accomplishes this preeminent mission through “signs perceptible to the senses” and by means of giving ourselves, i.e. pre-disposing ourselves to receive the grace of the Eucharist through these signs the Eucharist achieves its ultimate purpose — its “res tantum.” In doing so in his presentation, Fr. Bruce will highlight the four ways that Christ is present to us in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.