Dr. James Aflaki

Dr. Aflaki is Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Christian Brothers University He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Maryland at College Park. His specialty is in the area of thermal fluids and his sub specialty is in the area of computer applications and mechatronics. He has over thirty years of teaching, research, and industry experience in mechanical engineering, MIS, design, and automation. He has received the best paper award from the Computer and Information in Engineering Division of ASME International. . He is also a Founding Member of Informing Science Institute, InSITE.
- Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, May 1992
- M.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, May 1985
- B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of the District of Columbia, December 1981
Courses Taught
- ME 121 -- Solids Modeling
- CE201 -– Statics
- ME112—Scientific Programming
- ME 202 -- Dynamics
- ME 317 -- Kinematics
- ME 318 -- Dynamics of Machines
- ME 340 -- Design of Mechatronics Systems
- ME 401 -- Mechanical Systems Laboratory
- ITM 152 -- Introduction to Computer Based Systems
- ITM 153 -- Business Applications of Microcomputers
- ITM 291 -- Telecommunications (I)
- ITM 292 --Telecommunications (II)
- ITM 250 -- Foundations of Computational Logic
- ITM255 -- C++ Programming
- ITM 280 -- Comparative Operating Systems
- ITM 458 -- Visual Basic.NET Programming
- ITM 492 -- Communication Networks
- MBA 693 -- Computer Networking
Publications and Research Focus
• James Aflaki, Paul Shiue “Kinematics Analysis of a Pin-Jointed Fourbar Linkage and Crank Slider Mechanism Using Visual Basic .Net” Proceedings of the IESTOC 2020, Vol. 18, Issue 1, pp. 254-263.
• James Aflaki, Paul Shiue “Dynamic Analysis of A Pin-Jointed Fourbar Linkage Mechanism using Visual Basic .Net “, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 10, Issue 06, June 2020)
• Natalia Amancio, Kasey Beekman, Stephanie Galella, Sebastian Polania, James Aflaki, Paul Shiue “ Hippotherapy Mechanical Simulator” Proceedings of the ESTOC 2017 Conference, Vol. 15, Issue 2, pp. 68-76.
• Siripong Malasri, James Aflaki, et al, “Effect of Wet-Dry Cycles on Compressive Strength and Impact Properties of New Softwood Pallets”, International Journal of Advanced Packaging Technology, 2013, Vol 1 , No 1 (2013)
• Siripong Malasri, James Aflaki, et al, “Effect of Water Content on Compressive Strength and Impact Properties of New Softwood Pallets”, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp. 1-10, Article ID Tech-3
• Yeu-Sheng Paul Shiue, James Aflaki, ”Introducing Additive Manufacturing in Freshman Introductory Course”, Proceedings of the MAESC 2013
• James Aflaki, “Engineering SqueezeoMeter and HuggoMeter”, ASEE Proceedings, AC 2012-5130
• James Aflaki, Ali Pourhashemi, “Strain Gage Based Densitometer,” Proceedings of the MAESC 2011 Conference, Memphis, Tennessee, May 3, 2011.
• James Aflaki, “A QUICK SOLUTION TO DISCRETE PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTION PROBLEMS” Proceedings of the Academy of Information and Management Sciences, Volume 13, Number 2 Las Vegas, 2009
• James Aflaki, “A COMPLETE SOLUTION TO IPV4 ADDRESSING ”, Proceedings of the Allied Academies, Volume 15, Number 2, Reno,2008
• James Aflaki, Lawrence J. Schmitt, “Learning Telecommunications: TCP/IP Configurator”, Proceedings of the Academy of Information and management Sciences, Volume 9, Number 1, Memphis 2005• James Aflaki, Lawrence J. Schmitt, Sarah T. Pitts, Rob H. Kamery, “USING MANAGEMENT SCIENCE TO EXPERIMENTALLY AND THEORETICALLY EVALUATE A PRODUCT: A REVIEW OF PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS”, Proceedings of the Allied Academies Internet Conference, Allied Academies International Internet Conference page Volume 6, Pg(120-124), 2004
• James Aflaki, Lawrence J. Schmitt, Sarah T. Pitts, Rob H. Kamery, “A STUDY OF FLOW FORCE: A DISCUSSION OF THE SIGNIFICANT RESULTS FROM A SERIES OF TESTS PERFORMED ON AN INDUSTRIAL PRODUCT”, Proceedings of the Allied Academies Internet Conference, Allied Academies International Internet Conference page Volume 6, Pg(125-129), 2004
• James Aflaki, Lawrence J. Schmitt, Sarah T. Pitts, Rob H. Kamery, “APPLIED MANAGEMENT SCIENCE: AN EXAMPLE OF INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION”, Proceedings of the Allied Academies Internet Conference, Allied Academies International Internet Conference page Volume 6, Pg(130-134), 2004
• James Aflaki, Lawrence J. Schmitt, Sarah T. Pitts, Rob H. Kamery, “MATHEMATICAL MODELING IN MANAGEMENT SCIENCE: THE CASE OF INDUSTRIAL VALUES AND VISCOSITY”, Proceedings of the Allied Academies Internet Conference, Allied Academies International Internet Conference page Volume 6, Pg(135-139), 2004
• James Aflaki, Lawrence J. Schmitt, Sarah T. Pitts, Rob H. Kamery, “A PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF AN EXPERIMENTAL SETUP: USING A DEVELOPED QUICK BASIC PROGRAM”, Proceedings of the Allied Academies Internet Conference, Allied Academies International Internet Conference page Volume 6, Pg(140-144), 2004
• James Aflaki, Lawrence J. Schmitt, Sarah T. Pitts, Rob H. Kamery, “MEASUREMENTS OF PRESSURE, VELOCITY, AND DRAG ACROSS A TEST SECTION: USING MANAGEMENT SCIENCE FOR PROBLEM SOLVING”, Proceedings of the Allied Academies Internet Conference, Allied Academies International Internet Conference page Volume 6, Pg(145-149), 2004
• James Aflaki, Lawrence J. Schmitt, Sarah T. Pitts, Rob H. Kamery, “AN APPLICATION OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE CONCERNING AN APPROXIMATE METHOD FOR PREDICTION”, Proceedings of the Allied Academies Internet Conference, Allied Academies International Internet Conference page Volume 6, Pg(150-154), 2004
• Lawrence J. Schmitt, James Aflaki, Sarah T. Pitts, Rob H. Kamery, “THE COMPARISON OF GA-VRPTC WITH OTHER METHODS: SOLVING THE VRPTC”, Proceedings of the Allied Academies Internet Conference, Allied Academies International Internet Conference page Volume 6, Pg(156-160), 2004
• Lawrence J. Schmitt, James Aflaki, Sarah T. Pitts, Rob H. Kamery, “THE DEVELOPMENT OF GENETIC ALGORITHMS USED IN SOLVING THE VEHICLE ROUTING PROBLEM WITH TIME CONSTRAINTS (VRPTC)”, Proceedings of the Allied Academies Internet Conference, Allied Academies International Internet Conference page Volume 6, Pg(161-165), 2004
• Lawrence J. Schmitt, James Aflaki, Sarah T. Pitts, Rob H. Kamery, “DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ALTERNATIVE GENETIC ALGORITHM HEURISTICS”, Proceedings of the Allied Academies Internet Conference, Allied Academies International Internet Conference page Volume 6, Pg(166-170), 2004
• Lawrence J. Schmitt, James Aflaki, Sarah T. Pitts, Rob H. Kamery, “COMPUTATIONAL RESULTS AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF A GENETIC ALGORITHM FOR SOLVING THE TRAVELING SALESMAN PROBLEM”, Proceedings of the Allied Academies Internet Conference, Allied Academies International Internet Conference page Volume 6, Pg(171-175), 2004
• Lawrence J. Schmitt, James Aflaki, Sarah T. Pitts, Rob H. Kamery, “RESEARCH ISSUES AND METHODOLOGY CONCERNING THE DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT, AND EVALUATION OF A GENETIC ALGORITHM HEURISTIC”, Proceedings of the Allied Academies Internet Conference, Allied Academies International Internet Conference page Volume 6, Pg(176-180), 2004
• Lawrence J. Schmitt, James Aflaki, Sarah T. Pitts, Rob H. Kamery, “THE GA-TSP EVALUATION OF THE GA CONFIGURATION AND DESIGN ISSUES:A STATISTICAL EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN”, Proceedings of the Allied Academies Internet Conference, Allied Academies International Internet Conference page Volume 6, Pg(181-185), 2004
• Lawrence Schmitt, James Aflaki, Sarah Pitts, Rob H. Kamery; “AN EMPHSIS ON THE TSP AND THE VRPTC: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY OF GENETIC ALGORITHMS”, Proceedings of the Academy of Information and Management Sciences, Volume 8, Number 1, Pg (59-64) New Orleans, 2004
• Lawrence Schmitt, James Aflaki, Sarah Pitts, Rob H. Kamery; “AN EMPHSIS ON THE HEURISTICS COMBINED WITH GA TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF THE SOLUTIONS:SOME METHODS USED TO SOLVE VRPs AND VRPTCs”, Proceedings of the Academy of Information and Management Sciences, Volume 8, Number 1, Pg (53-57) New Orleans, 2004
• James Aflaki, Lawrence Schmitt; “Developing a Virtual Hands-on Experiment to Demonstrate Various Signal Encoding Schemes”, published in the Proceedings of the Academy of Information and Management Sciences, Volume 7, Number1, Tunica 2003.
• Lawrence Schmitt, James Aflaki; “Developing Real World/Virtual World Hands-on Experiments for IT Students”, published in the Proceedings of the IS 2003, the Informing Science + IT Education Conference, Pori, Finland, June 24-27, 2003
• Mohammad Khosrowjerdi; James Aflaki; “Computer-aided diagnostics, data collection, data warehousing and mining system for handguns”, presented at the Seventh International Conference on Applications of High Performance Computers in Engineering, 23-25 September 2002, Bologna, Italy
• Mohammad Khosrowjerdi; James Aflaki; “Computer-aided diagnostics, data collection, data warehousing and mining system for handguns”, published (book chapter) in Applications of High Performance Computers in Engineering VII by WITPRES
• Said Dini, Mohammad Khosrowjerdi; James Aflaki; “Heat Pump Experiment With a Computer Interface for Control, Data Acquisition, and Analysis”, presented at the 22nd Computers and Information in Engineering (CIE) Conference, September 29 – October 2, 2002, Montreal, Canada. This paper is published in the Proceedings of 2002 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & The Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2002/CIE-34408
• James Aflaki, Lawrence Schmitt, Sarah Pitts, Using Computer Graphical Simulations To Improve Student Understanding Of Telecommunications Issues, presented at Allied Academies International Conference, October 10-13, 2001, Las Vegas, Nevada. This paper is published in the Proceedings of the Academy of Information and Management Sciences, Volume 5, Number 2, Las Vegas, 2001.
• Mohammad Khosrowjerdi, James Aflaki, Design And Utilization Of An Impact Pendulum For Assessing Energy Losses Due To The Impact Of A Projectile With An Arbitrary Medium, presented at the 21th Computers and Information in Engineering (CIE) Conference, September 10-12, 2001, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This paper is published in the Proceedings of The ASME 2001 Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference DETC 2001 (DETC01/CIE- 21276).
• Mohammad Khosrowjerdi, James Aflaki, Said Dini, Windows-Based Portable Laboratory System For Demonstrating Heat Transfer From An Extended Surface, presented at the 21th Computers and Information in Engineering (CIE) Conference, September 10-12, 2001, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This paper is published in the Proceedings of The ASME 2001 Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference DETC 2001 (DETC01/CIE- 21279).
• James Aflaki, PC Based Data Acquisition, Control, and Analysis of Fluid Flow Over a Poppet Valve, presented at the 20th Computers and Information in Engineering (CIE) Conference, September 11-14, 2000, Baltimore Maryland. This paper is published in the Proceedings of The 2000 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computer and Information in Engineering Conference DETC 2000 (DETC2000/CIE-14597).
• Said Dini, Andrew Barnes, James Aflaki, Said Dini, PC-Based Data Acquisition, Control, And Analysis of a Heated Cylinder in Cross Flow, presented at the 20th Computers and Information in Engineering (CIE) Conference, September 11-14, 2000, Baltimore, Maryland. This paper is published in the Proceedings of The 2000 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computer (DETC2000/CIE- 14595).
• James Aflaki, “Fluid Dynamics of a Poppet Valve”, Experimental and theoretical investigation of the flow field as well as valve shape optimization were performed on an in-line poppet valve to be used in the fuel line of a rocket engine. (The project was sponsored by an European Space Agency MBB). (Ph.D. Dissertation 1992)
• James Aflaki, D.W. Sallet, “Transient Thermodynamic Phenomena of Liquified Gases in Pressure Vessels During Venting”, presented at the 1990 AICHI Spring Meeting, Orlando, Florida
• James Aflaki, Data General Corporation, “Web-based course in Fluid Mechanics”, a data base system for use as a computerized self-teaching station, 1987
• James Aflaki, Data General Corporation, “Web-Based Course in Thermodynamics”, a data base system for use as a computerized self-teaching station, 1987
• James Aflaki, “Solutions of Quasi One-Dimensional Equations Governing Constant Area Flow Magnetoplasmadynamics Power Generator Duct Including the Effects of Induced Magnetic Field” (Master Thesis 1985)
• James Aflaki, Lawrence Schmitt; “THE DEVELOPMENT OF TELCSIM: AN INTERACTIVE TOOL TO ENHANCE STUDENTS UNDERSTANDING OF TELECOMMUNICATION PRINCIPLES”, accepted to be published in the Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal (AIMSJ). February 2004
• Mohammad Khosrowjerdi; James Aflaki; “Computer-aided diagnostics, data collection, data warehousing and mining system for handguns”, published (book chapter) in Applications of High Performance Computers in Engineering VII by WITPRES, 2003
Service and Community Engagement
- ASME 1994-present
- 2003-present Informing Science Institute, InSITE (Founding Member)
- 2003-present Memphis Technology Council
- Faculty advisor for senior projects
Office Hours
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