We know a lot of folks who are new to CBU might wonder “What is Campus Ministry.” We would like to take this opportunity to explain what we do and who we are.

Mission & Vision

Mission: Out of our devotion to Jesus Christ, the Catholic Church, and the Lasallian tradition, in conjunction with the holistic formation and innovative education of Christian Brothers University, we exist to accompany and to inspire all students, regardless of religious tradition or lack thereof, through opportunities for faith, service, and community. 

Vision: Out of our devotion to Jesus Christ, the Catholic Church, and the Lasallian tradition, in conjunction with the holistic formation and innovative education of Christian Brothers University, we exist to form virtuous persons who continually remember the presence of God of all members of Christian Brothers University.  


“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.” (Matthew 25:35)  

Jesus minces no words in describing the preeminence of serving others: what we do for others, we do for Him. Campus Ministry is convinced that the Gospel requires action, and thus we coordinate efforts to serve our community on-campus as well as off-campus in the greater Memphis area.  

PB&J Day  
Some people call it Wednesday, we call it PB&J Day! Join us nearly every Wednesday at 3:00pm in Alfonso Dining Hall to make sandwiches for the St. Mary Soup Kitchen. This is a simple way for us to participate in feeding the hungry, and it’s fun!  

Center for Community Engagement 
Our partnership with the CBU Center for Community Engagement (CCE) is integral to the good work that we are able to do as members of Christian Brothers University. You can find out more about the CCE here and how to get involved here

Buc Stop Community Pantry 
On Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, the Buc Stop is open from 1pm – 4pm. If you or another student needs food or toiletries, come by and pick some up for free, no questions asked. If you’d like to volunteer to help our community through this important service, please get in touch with Campus Ministry. 


“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17) 

As the literal Proverb above indicates, community helps us become the best version of ourselves. Whenever we strive to be better, we help those around us become better, too. Campus Ministry acknowledges that reality and seeks to be an instigator of relationship-building, both in casual and more intimate settings.  In “The Rule of the Brothers of the Christian Schools,” the document that details the way of life of the Lasallians, it says “Each Brother considers himself responsible, in union with all the others, for the life of the community, the power of its witness, and for its pastoral commitment” (ch. 4, art. 49a). Campus Ministry believes that, as Lasallians by association, all CBU students are called to participate in this aspect of the Rule.  

Fellowship Groups  
Get involved with a group of Christians who are living, praying, and growing in faith together. These Fellowship Groups are made up of 5-7 individuals and meet weekly depending on the group’s schedule. Reach out to Campus Ministry if you are interested! 

S’more Faith 
If you think this sounds like an excuse to get together and eat s’mores, you are correct! Come for the sweets, stay for the fellowship. Join us outside of the Living Learning Center at the fire pit from 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm. 

Fall 2023 dates:
August 24 
September 28 
October 26 
November 16 

Campus Ministry Team

Office Hours: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Monday – Friday

Contact Us