Dr. Rodney J. Vogl

Dr. Rodney Vogl, Professor, grew up on a small farm in rural Iowa. He received his B.S. in Psychology from the University of Iowa. He then migrated south for graduate school, where he received his M.S. in Psychology and his Ph.D. in Human Experimental Psychology from Kansas State University. Dr. Vogl is a cognitive psychologist interested in memory, human factors/ergonomics, problem-solving and decision making. He teaches classes in all of these areas, including classes regarding research methodology/statistics, social psychology, and general psychology. Dr. Vogl’s area of expertise within cognitive psychology is memory. During his years at Kansas State University, he worked with students with memory deficits (due to Traumatic Brain Injury) and students with learning disabilities. Additionally, he was part of a team that studied the extraordinary memory skill of a person who had been in the Guinness Book of World Records for memorizing pi to 31,811 places. Dr. Vogl then concluded his southern migration when he decided to join the faculty at Christian Brothers University. He has published several journal articles and book chapters on memory in the “real world,” and has presented numerous papers with students and other colleagues at psychology conferences both regionally and nationally. Dr. Vogl has a variety of interests in psychology that span both cognitive psychology and social psychology. For example, he is interested in how one’s social interactions with others help the person to reduce the impact of negative memories. His research interests also include memory for lies, involuntary memories (i.e., those memories that “pop” into our head), memory errors (e.g., source confusion) and other areas of cognition such as problem-solving and human factors.