Barret School of Banking
The Paul W. Barret Jr. School of Banking is a non-profit independent school created by and governed by a Board of Regents, whose members are executives from banks and other firms involved with the financial services industry. The mission of the School is to provide an adult learning experience for the career-oriented individual in commercial banking or a related financial services industry business. Barret is dedicated to helping banking students excel in receiving an excellent community bank educational experience of benefit to both the student and their sponsoring community bank employer.
The Barret School is headquartered on the Christian Brother University campus with offices in Buckman Hall. It also offers the Barret Graduate School, a three-year graduate program with an annual one-week residency session on the CBU campus. Admission to the Barret School of Banking is open to bank employees, bank regulatory agency employees, and employees of businesses allied to the financial services industry, such as attorneys, accountants, and related professionals.
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Barret School of Banking
650 East Parkway South, Memphis, TN 38104
Phone: (901) 321-4000 • barret@barretbanking.org