AI Resources
The Writing and Communications Corner has assembled the following resources to assist in learning the appropriate use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in coursework and writing assignments.
Shortcut to Citing AI Sources
Just as you include in-text citations when you quote, paraphrase, or summarize from a source (books, websites, etc.), you must include in-text citations when you use AI. The downloadable infographic below provides formatting instructions for citations in MLA Style, Chicago/Turabian Style, and AP Style.
CITATIONS IN AIDos and Don’ts in Using AI in Your Writing
The downloadable infographic below provides advice on topics such as how to best use Grammarly and how best to use AI for idea generation, voice, research, thought process, and time.
AI DOS AND DON’TSFlowchart for using AI
The downloadable infographic below provides an outline of how — and if — you should best use AI for writing assignments.
AI WRITING PROCESSA Story to Learn How AI Can Aid in Writing (called The Writing Process)