Brother David Galinski, FSC (’65)
When asked about his career as a Christian Brother and educator, Brother David responded, u0022God has been good to me… I have been able to do what I love… working with kids.u0022
As a scholastic, or student Brother, at Christian Brothers College in the early 1960s, there were few opportunities for the young Brothers to get involved in extracurriculars at the college. However, they were able to attend athletic games and theatrical performances, and Brother David took full advantage of that.
After graduating in 1965, Brother David taught at La Salle Academy in Kansas City, St. George High School in Evanston, Illinois, and St. Joseph High School in Westchester, Illinois. Throughout the course of the 1970s, he went on to earn a master’s degree in Religious Education from the University of Detroit and a master’s degree in Counseling from St. Mary’s University of Minnesota.
Brother David taught religion and English and has also served as an assistant principal in the Brothers’ high schools. In addition, he has served as a Director of Recruitment for the Christian Brothers, Religion Department Chair, Counselor, and Counseling Department Chair. The majority of his religious life has been at Saint Patrick High School in Chicago, where he just finished his 50th year.
Looking back at my years at CBC (CBU), I was blessed to have wonderful teachers (Brothers and lay) who cared about us and encouraged us to excel in all we did. I am a good teacher and counselor today, thanks to them. I am most grateful. God Bless CBC/CBU on your 150th. AD MULTOS ANOS!